3 Multi-Site Stratigraphy

Build a plot containing data for multiple proxies aligned by depth or year.

Methods based off of - https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidypaleo/vignettes/strat_diagrams.html

3.1 Data Specifications

Data used in this analysis can be found in the github repo in the following files: FileS5_Impact_ProxyData.csv, FileS6_Reference_ProxyData.csv. Access the files here.

3.2 Getting Started

Install and load these packages


Optional - set a theme


Set your working directory


3.3 Formatting proxydata file

For this analysis there should be two separate files for each site.

View these example datasets to see how your data should be set up:

# two spreadsheets in .csv format:
  #1) a spreadsheet containing all the geochem data, like this

  #2) a spreadsheet containing all the abundance data, like this

For the impact site I arranged my proxy data into geochem and abundance files according to the formatting from the example data and saved them as proxydata_geochem_IMP.csv and proxydata_abundance_IMP.csv. I did the same for the reference core.

3.4 Plot the geochemical data

Begin with the impacted site

geochem_IMP2 <- read.csv("proxydata_geochem_IMP2.csv")

Plot the base stratigraphic diagram for your geochem data

geo_strat_IMP2 <- ggplot(geochem_IMP2, aes(x = value, y = depth)) +
  geom_lineh() +
  geom_point() +
  facet_geochem_gridh(vars(param)) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Depth (cm)") +
  facetted_pos_scales(x = list(scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,0.00025)),
                               scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,0.15)),
                               scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-2,11)),
                               scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,10000)),
                               scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,0.025))),
                               scale_y_reverse(breaks=seq(0,17, by=1), limits = c(17,0)))


Now load data and plot the reference site

geochem_REF3 <- read.csv("proxydata_geochem_REF3.csv")

Plot the base straitgraphic diagram for your geochem data

geo_strat_REF3 <- ggplot(geochem_REF3, aes(x = value, y = depth)) +
  geom_lineh() +
  geom_point() +
  facet_geochem_gridh(vars(param)) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Depth (cm)") +
  facetted_pos_scales(x = list(scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,0.00025)),
                               scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,0.15)),
                               scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-2,11)),
                               scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,10000)),
                               scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,0.025))),
                      scale_y_reverse(breaks=seq(0,17, by=1), limits = c(17,0)))


3.5 Plot the diatom abundance data

For the impact site:

diatoms_IMP2 <- read.csv("proxydata_diatoms_IMP2.csv")

#plot the base straitgraphic diagram for your geochem data
diatom_strat_IMP2 <- ggplot(diatoms_IMP2, aes(x = rel_abund, y = depth)) +
  geom_areah() +
  geom_col_segsh() +
  facet_abundanceh(vars(taxon), grouping = vars(location), rotate_facet_labels = 0) + 
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Depth (cm)") +
  facetted_pos_scales(x = list(scale_x_abundance(limits = c(0,100)),
                               scale_x_abundance(limits = c(0,100))),
                      scale_y_reverse(limits = c(17,0)))

Load the abundance data for the REF3 site

diatoms_REF3 <- read.csv("proxydata_diatoms_REF3.csv")

Plot the base straitgraphic diagram for your geochem data

diatom_strat_REF3 <- ggplot(diatoms_REF3, aes(x = rel_abund, y = depth)) +
  geom_areah() +
  geom_col_segsh() +
  facet_abundanceh(vars(taxon), grouping = vars(location), rotate_facet_labels = 0) + 
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Depth (cm)") +
  facetted_pos_scales(x = list(scale_x_abundance(limits = c(0,100)),
                               scale_x_abundance(limits = c(0,100))),
                      scale_y_reverse(limits = c(17,0)))


3.6 Arrange multiple stratigraphies

Use patchwork to put all the plots together on the same figure


Plot the abundance and geochem data together for the IMP2 site

strat_final_IMP2 <- wrap_plots(geo_strat_IMP2 + 
    theme(strip.background = element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_blank()),
    diatom_strat_IMP2 +
    theme(axis.text.y.left = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y.left = element_blank()) +
    labs(y = NULL), nrow = 1, widths = c(3, 1))


Plot the abundance and geochem data together for the REF3 site

strat_final_REF3 <- wrap_plots(geo_strat_REF3 + 
     theme(strip.background = element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_blank()),
     diatom_strat_REF3 +
     theme(axis.text.y.left = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y.left = element_blank()) +
     labs(y = NULL), nrow = 1, widths = c(3, 1))


Plot all of the sites together

final_strat <- wrap_plots(strat_final_IMP2,strat_final_REF3, nrow=2, ncol=1)

After plotting, make sure that all your data is aligned properly with the depth axis, make sure you have set your limits in the scale_y_reverse(limits = c()) argument to be fixed to the max scale depth

3.7 Adding points of interest

strat_final <- strat_final +
  geom_hline(yintercept = c(0, 4, 8, 12, 16), col = "red", lty = 2, alpha = 1)

3.8 Change facets

If you want to change the position of facets in any of the datasets use mutate

geo_strat %>%
  mutate(param = fct_relevel(param, "chla", "Cd/Al", "Zn/Al")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = value, y = depth)) +

3.9 Secondary axes

If you want to add year as secondary y-axis create an age-depth model

geo_adm <- age_depth_model(geochem, depth = depth, age = age)

geo_strat +
  scale_y_depth_age(geo_adm, age_name = "year")

3.10 Final Figure

[Bosch et al. 2024]: Multi-proxy stratigraphy of the impact pond core [A] and reference pond core [B]. The secondary y-axis shows the 210Pb dates that were assigned to selected layers of the core using the CRS model, and the dates are aligned by midpoint depth (cm). Grey shaded bars across the stratigraphy represent the period gannets are known to be nesting in Cape St. Mary’s, based on the data found in File S1.

Figure 3.1: [Bosch et al. 2024]: Multi-proxy stratigraphy of the impact pond core [A] and reference pond core [B]. The secondary y-axis shows the 210Pb dates that were assigned to selected layers of the core using the CRS model, and the dates are aligned by midpoint depth (cm). Grey shaded bars across the stratigraphy represent the period gannets are known to be nesting in Cape St. Mary’s, based on the data found in File S1.